Training 2 You offers information on both online computer training & CD Rom based courses. We provide information about CBT courses including Technology Training, Management and Sales coaching, learning a foreign language and much more.


Update your listing with Training 2 You Directory


To update your site please fill in the form below detailing your sites title, url and description and a different title and longer description for your sites dedicated page on our site.

This form is for updating sites that are listed in our directory already, if you want to list a new site please click here

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Web Site Title:
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Web Site URL:

Url where you have placed a link to Training 2 You
(Optional but really appreciated)

Prefered Category:
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Site Description (200 characters or less)
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Details for your description page

You can now add a more detailed description with a different title to your websites description page, giving visitors more information about your website:

Web Site Title:
Please Enter your description.

Long Description (500 characters minimum)

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Please note we only accept training, tutorial and education related web sites only


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